Improving access to services through efficient and accountable referral pathways
RIMS is a cross-sector referral platform, with 71 partners; 36 local and 35 International NGOs who are leading in different sectors in the humanitarian context in Lebanon such as protection, shelter, cash assistance, livelihoods, social stability and many other sectors.
ACF, Acted, Adra, Akkarouna, Al Fayhaa, Al Majmoua, Al Makased, Al Midan, Al Moassat, Al Ribat, ALPHA, Amel, Ana Aqraa Ass., AND-Lebanon, ANERA, Arc en ciel, AVSI, Care, CLDH, Common Effort, Concern, Dorcas, DRC, FPS, GIZ, GVC, Hadatha, Help, HI, Himaya, Humedica, IMC, Intersos, JRS, Kafa, Lebanese reforestation initiative, LebRelief, LOST, LRD, Makassed, MEDAIR, Medical Teams International, Mercy Corps, Mossawat, Mouvement Social, NABAA, Nabad, Near East, New Arsal, NRC, ODA, OXFAM, Plan International, Premiere Urgence, Proud Lebanon, Red Oak, Relief International, RMF, RUWAD AL Tanmiya, Salam Ladc, Save the Children, Sawa for development and Aid, SAWA Group for development, SI, SIDC, SIF, TDH Italy, TDH, Lausanne, Unicef, War Child Holland, World Vision Lebanon.
As part of its work in improving coordination through more efficient and accountable referrals across the response
The RIMS Team collaborates closely with inter-agency coordination structures in Lebanon to support the development of guidance and tools. RIMS is also complementary to other information management systems that already exist.
The RIMS partnership with UNICEF, who is one of the main donors of RIMS, is also of strategic importance to RIMS in furthering its goal of improving cross-sector coordination in a sustainable manner. ECHO has also played an essential role from the start of the RIMS project, in supporting RIMS and encouraging its partners to join and actively use RIMS.
Due to the nature of RIMS, much of the funding is dedicated to human resources, who support in equipping new partners with RIMS, with the remeinder allocated to trainings, capacity building, events, and communications.
The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has been supporting RIMS since early 2020. UNICEF Lebanon transitioned to integrated programming in 2018 recognising the increasingly inter-connected nature of vulnerabilities in the protracted crisis, and therefore seeks to reinforce linkages between its programs through cross-sector referral pathways. UNICEF is partnering with RIMS to equip its partners providing services in Child Protection, Education and Youths, with a referral platform to send, receive and manage referrals. UNICEF also leverages RIMS data to identify gaps and trends in the integration of its programs, and will ensure complementarity in its approach by linking RIMS to its information management systems.
The European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO) has been supporting RIMS since its inception in 2017, first to allow for technical developments to the System and equipping new partners with RIMS, and then with a focus towards analysis of referrals data, advocacy and accountability, to positively influence the humanitarian response and strengthen access to multi-sector services.
The Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) started supporting RIMS in 2021, with the goal of strengthening Protection information management systems at DRC.
The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a humanitarian, non-governmental, non-profit organisation founded in 1956 that works in 40 countries throughout the world. DRC fulfils its mandate by providing direct assistance to conflict-affected populations – refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs) and host communities in conflict areas; and by advocating on behalf of conflict-affected populations internationally, and in Denmark, on the basis of humanitarian principles and the Human Rights Declaration. Internationally, DRC actively participates in supporting the protection of refugees, and promoting durable solutions for conflict-affected populations.